Tuesday, March 31, 2020

How To Tutor With Kumon

How To Tutor With KumonTutoring with Kumon is the most flexible and affordable method of tutoring in the world. In order to be successful, you need to be a student of the subject, but this doesn't mean that you have to take up the time to study hard just to understand the material. In this type of environment, you will be able to learn the basics easily. For beginners, there are some things that you should keep in mind while you are tutoring.It is important that you use the same language as the students because if you don't, they will feel confused at times, which would lead to them not knowing what to do or what is being said. It is important that you convey your ideas clearly and concisely. This is very important in order to make the students learn the lesson well. If you are not careful, it could cause confusion between the two of you. Because of this, you have to pay attention to your gestures and your tone of voice so that you can be effective in your teaching.The fast pace of t he online learning environment is one of the disadvantages of it. You cannot easily make time for yourself. You have to work through your assignments, presentations, tests and other activities, which makes it difficult to have time for yourself. But with tutoring with Kumon, you will be able to relax and find the time to learn.Tutoring with Kumon is a time-saving service. You don't have to attend several classes or conferences where you cannot get together with the other students because you are usually part of the same learning team. When you tutor with Kumon, you can give individual attention to each student. You will also be able to improve your credibility in your field by tutoring with Kumon.The focus is on the language skills of high school students. You can help your students in improving their writing and speaking skills, besides improving their English skills. For some students, this is not enough. They need to learn the grammatical constructions and correct pronunciation i n order to make themselves understood.Your students can be distracted easily, so you have to pay extra attention to them. You can only do this with the help of tutoring with Kumon. With their help, you can easily teach them how to write effectively, what to do when they feel frustrated, how to write about their personal feelings, and what to do when they are having a bad day. These are some of the skills that they need to learn.Tutoring with Kumon can save you a lot of time. You don't have to wait for the other students to finish their work and you don't have to waste your precious time searching for class materials. The tools are designed for everyone, especially for students. They will be able to find and access the sources of information that they need on their own. They will be able to make their own schedules so that they can learn at their own pace.Learning English is a way of life for most people around the world. There are many opportunities and skills that will enable you t o communicate effectively. If you want to be successful in this line of work, you have to work hard in order to get the best results. By taking up the option of tutoring with Kumon, you will be able to get the experience and the tips needed to become an effective teacher.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Work and Energy Organic Chemistry Tutor - How Does It Work?

Work and Energy Organic Chemistry Tutor - How Does It Work?A work and energy organic chemistry tutor is someone who is a licensed professional in a specific field. Most of the tutors are qualified professionals in fields like biology, geology, chemistry, physics, electrical engineering, or other relevant courses. Usually, a work and energy organic chemistry tutor can teach you subjects which are dealing with the materials that you are taught to use.The classes are conducted through the classroom education method and the student is taught by a licensed professional instructor who has undergone the requisite courses for this profession. So, it's your right to choose a tutor according to your convenience.The curriculum will range from beginner level to advanced study. You can even opt for a certificate course which has extensive information on an entire range of science topics. However, if you are not interested in such courses, then you can enroll for the work and energy organic chemis try tutor by studying on your own as you are capable enough to conduct lectures. For this, you need to be aware of what subjects you want to learn.If you are confident enough about your ability to take lectures and engage in discussions, then you can simply enroll in the program and focus on the intense skills. There are many colleges and universities offering the work and energy organic chemistry tutoring courses which help you to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge about chemistry.You can easily search for the schools or universities offering these courses. All you need to do is to visit the website of the school or university and you will be provided with details on the campus. Or, you can even search for jobs on the internet. The career of a work and energy organic chemistry tutor is easy and lucrative.Before you decide to get enrolled in the course, you need to consider the number of days you want to attend the classes and the time commitment on a weekly basis. In additi on, the tuition fee and the payment system depend on the institution. If you are planning to study in America, the fees are usually charged in the form of tuition fees. On the other hand, the fees are very much less in countries like India, China, etc.In the end, it is important to remember that a work and energy organic chemistry tutor are not only a tutor. They also help the students to obtain their degrees. By this, they not only help the students in getting their degree but also help them gain skills and knowledge that they will not be able to attain without enrolling in the course. So, in the end, they actually have the same objective as the teacher: The better students, the better student and so on.

Types of Training to Be a Tutor

Types of Training to Be a TutorTraining to be a tutor can be very beneficial and rewarding. There are many different types of courses offered by tutoring agencies, and each one will differ in how they offer courses, what they offer, and in the length of the training program.The most common type of course that is offered to prospective tutors is at night or on weekends. This gives students the opportunity to work in private homes and study while having a social life. There are also online courses available which allow a tutor to earn credits from home. Some agencies offer these courses online with online meetings for the student and his or her tutor.Other types of training to be a tutor include a diploma or certificate program. Most schools now offer certificate programs, which includes an education background, career planning, and teaching experience. There are also specialty schools that offer training to be a tutor that include specialties such as social studies, music, foreign lan guages, and religion.Courses that are taken online allow a tutor to earn credits in his or her own time, with the ability to work on it and re-take classes when they get further along. There are many online tutoring agencies, and each one offers their own special online program that is tailored for the needs of the student.The length of the tutoring program is an important consideration for those considering taking a training to be a tutor course. It should take approximately one year to complete the training program, which will teach the student a variety of essential skills in this field.Those interested in taking training to be a tutor courses, but have not taken a formal education, can find that these training programs are suitable. These programs are designed to provide students with an understanding of how to use various instructional tools, such as manuals, text books, and video tutorials.Online tutoring agencies provide online training to help students acquire skills that th ey will need as tutors. Online tutoring can be beneficial for students who want to take on this type of training, as well as those who want to learn more about the profession of being a tutor.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

One Year of AP Biology - Learning From the Experts

One Year of AP Biology - Learning From the ExpertsA one year of AP Biology offers an outstanding education. The classes allow students to obtain hands-on training in a major subject area. With the most advanced teaching methods in today's world, this degree can be worth the investment.These courses are intended for students that have excellent grades in their other classes. The curriculum is challenging and will give the student hands-on experience in a professional environment. Also, students are able to compare and contrast different subjects in a specialized environment. It is a natural progression from what they already know.Students take one year of AP Biology courses in high school and submit their state's exams and coursework. Since the courses are in high school, students are able to obtain college credit for their courses. Some universities will also allow AP Biology to be used as a prerequisite for other courses.After this one year, students may go on to graduate study in B iology. This is an extremely popular degree and is highly sought after by people who are looking for a career in biological science. Once a student earns their Bachelor's Degree, they can continue to pursue their studies in the specialty areas of their choice.Many graduates in Biology choose to move into careers in research or government, as they find career options available in the field. The career options in research and government are quite varied and include things such as teaching, administration, contracting, government science laboratories, and state labs. There are many career options open to students in this field, which is why many graduates choose this career path.One of the reasons this field is so highly sought after is because of the many career opportunities it provides. There are many colleges and universities that offer programs in this area. The universities are large organizations and the courses usually have a small number of students in them, therefore there is an opportunity for students to advance their knowledge without having to be in the classroom.This field is highly sought after because of the flexibility of the science courses offered. These courses allow the student to choose their course schedule and go to school at their own pace. Also, these courses are able to be taken online, which allows the student to finish their course work in less time than if they took the course in a classroom setting.

Should My Child Transfer Schools

Should My Child Transfer Schools The following piece was written by Liz Perelstein. Liz has been featured in ourAdmissions Expert seriesand is the Founder of School Choice International. There are many reasons you may consider changing your childs school, but often, parents dont act on these instincts. Many parents are afraid to trade the devil they know for the one they dont know. Even though a child may be unhappy, struggling academically, or feeling under-challenged, parents typically are worried about their childs transition. If the child is not thriving, parents often think it could be worse in a different environment. If a child is thriving in certain respects for example, socially but not academically parents may be concerned about recreating a positive social life in a new school. While I generally view mid-course adjustments as a good thing, I never advocate changing schools before first trying to work with the teacher, the guidance counselor, and even the head of school to rectify the situation. And, if a child shows prolonged misery before going to school, frequently feigns illness, vomits, is unusually tearful, or has major appetite or sleep changes, things may be serious enough to consult a professional. A change of school is not necessarily the answer, and should not be made without addressing the other issues. In this post, I will address times that a change may be a good idea, and also seek to dispel some of the myths that prevent parents from acting. Why change your childs school: A child may attend a school that doesnt suit his or her learning style. Some children learn best in a structured environment where the teacher directs learning. Other children do their best by learning concepts through experience. If you find that your childs learning style is mismatched with the schools philosophy, you may be trying to fit a round peg into a square hole and a transfer may be worthwhile. Many schools are ill equipped to handle a child who is not mainstream not only academically, but on any dimension. Not every private school has resources to deal with children who have special educational needs. On the other side of the spectrum, profoundly gifted children may not receive the support they need to prosper when teachers focus on children who are not doing well. You may wish to consider a change of school based on your childs interests. Often, when parents choose the first school, they know little about their child. As his/her interests develop, the school s/he attends may not offer courses or extracurricular activities that will support his or her growth. Your child may not fit in socially. Every school, and each cohort within a school, has a personality. If your child isnt accepted or is bullied, these are issues, first, to be addressed with the school administration. However, sometimes s/he will fit in better in a different environment where s/he can find a more natural peer group. If a family moves to a new area, distance can be a good reason to change schools. Not only is the school far away, spending time with friends or participating in sports and cultural activities can be an effort. Finally, if a child requests to change schools, take this very seriously. Few children want to make a significant life change unless they really are out of step. When my daughter started high school and came home saying it isnt cool to be smart here, we honored her desire to change schools and she had a wonderful high school experience as a result. If an educational change makes sense for any of these reasons, dont be afraid to make the switch. Parents often think it is impossible to get a place in a school in a non-entry-level grade. This simply isnt true. People move from one city or country to another, families move from the city to the suburbs or vice versa, and chance vacancies occur. There may not be the same number of options as there are during an entry-level year, but the competition isnt as fierce either. Children are resilient. While we never like to see our children go through difficult times, flexibility and the ability to adapt to new environments are valuable skills to teach children and an important part of their education. Changing a childs school when things arent working teaches them problem-solving skills. After working with thousands of families in transition over the past 15 years, I am convinced that getting the right fit far outweighs the costs of the transition itself. VisitSchool Choice Internationalfor more information. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Why its Important for Introverts to Become Emotionally Intelligent - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Why it’s Important for Introverts to Become Emotionally Intelligent - Introvert Whisperer Why it’s Important for Introverts to Become Emotionally Intelligent Introversion exists on a spectrum: there are varying degrees of introversion. People who identify as introverts gain their energy from within themselves, and often feel overwhelmed or exhausted after social encounters that require a lot of outward facing energy. As a result, it can be hard for introverts to know how to expel that energy in a way that doesn’t leave them feeling physically and mentally drained. Enter emotional intelligence: one’s ability to be aware of and control their own emotions, and interact with people in an empathic way. Reduce the Energy Output   Introverts can benefit from becoming more emotionally intelligent because it can reduce the amount of energy they need to exert in a social situation. For one thing, when an introvert has to worry about interacting in a social situation, it can take away from the interaction because all of the mental capacity is focused on the situation; however, if introverts focus on their emotions, and interacting with the emotions of others, they can enjoy interactions more and be able to engage in them more effectively. Connect in an Empathic Way Being emotionally intelligent means being able to connect with people in an empathic way. Empathy refers to a person’s ability to not only understand what someone is going through, but they have lived it themselves, or they can so fully immerse themselves in the feelings of another person that they can feel the experience with them. This is a helpful skill for introverts to learn because it means that their energy can be spent building up another person, rather than trying to keep up with them. Change Their Minds About You Because introverts are sometimes thought to be cold or standoffish, becoming emotionally intelligent can lead to more fulfilling relationships with a better understanding from both parties. For people who are not introverted, it can be difficult to read introverts or understand why they need to be by themselves for long periods of time. But if an introvert is able to properly communicate their needs, and explain their emotions in a way that does not put people off, they can spend more time enjoying relationships rather than trying to find their place in them. Have Better Conversations Emotional intelligence can also allow you to label your emotions in a productive way so that you can work through your own feelings, rather than taking them out on other people. People who have strong emotional intelligence can use labels in conversations to describe their feelings; for example, an introvert might retreat when they are feeling overwhelmed by a difficult conversation, but an introvert with developing emotional intelligence will be able to declare their feelings of overwhelm and clearly articulate why they feel that way. This can provide more opportunity for agreement, settlement and more. Change Perceptions and Influence Others While introverts are often unassuming and stick to themselves, introverts with high emotional intelligence can actually influence the way others see them, and have a keen ability to influence the feelings of others as well. Emotional intelligence is not only about controlling and influence your own emotions, but the emotions of others. This seems tricky and maybe a bit sly, but really, it’s because introverts with strong emotional intelligence can label emotions for themselves and others. They can help put words to feelings that not all people can do for themselves. There is an interesting implication here, where introverts with strong emotional intelligence could manipulate others into feeling a certain way, but emotional intelligence is meant as a positive superpower and not a negative one. Becoming a Better Leader Introverts often make good leaders because of the deep level of introspection and reflection they engage in on a regular basis, but because they are often closed off to people, it can be difficult for them to take on leadership roles. Developing a stronger level of emotional intelligence could help an introvert become a strong leader because they would have the vocabulary and skill to describe and control their emotions, which helps during heated conflict-based situations. They can also help employees and other co-workers to identify and manage their own emotions on the job. How Can You Develop Strong Emotional Intelligence? If developing your emotional intelligence sounds like something that you might be interested in, there are a number of ways to practice getting better at it. One way is to start paying attention to how you are feeling during different times of the day. Do you feel optimistic or down in the morning? Do you feel hopeful or resent for in the evening? What about when you get angry? How long does it last? Another way to try and develop emotional intelligence is to see the subtle differences in how you respond to someone, rather than react to everything they say. This can help you keep pace with someone so you don’t become overwhelmed, and create more opportunity for rewarding relationships. Responding shows that you are listening to the other person, reacting is a personal expression that takes away from your energy levels. Finally, remember that you can’t become more emotionally intelligent overnight, but if you stick with it, pay attention to your emotions and be honest about how yo u are feeling with others, you’ll be on your way to developing a strong emotional intelligence level in no time. Author Bio:   Bottom-line â€" I want to help you accelerate your career â€" to achieve what you want by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my 4 Building Blocks to Relationships eBookâ€" the backbone to your Networking success and fantastic work relationships.  Grab yours by visiting here right now! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

German Lessons in Leeds

German Lessons in Leeds Honing German Language Skills in Leeds ChaptersGerman Speaking Opportunities for StudentsStudy German Through Private TuitionTake a German Language Course in a Training CentreLearn German with CactusAt the height of summer, it is admittedly difficult to think about Christmastime, when our German Christmas market is open for business.Maybe you ran across some pictures you took of it last year, which forced your recall...On the other hand, summer is the perfect time to think of a holiday abroad; are you planning to visit Berlin, Bremen or some other city in Germany?The Yorkshire-Germany ties reach far back into history; at one point in time, we were neck and neck in industrial output, innovation and socio-cultural ideas.Leeds’ fascination with German expressionism in art and culture made her unique in British society. The appeal was such that the region produced Jacob Kramer and Bruce Turner, expressionist artists directly influenced by the German movement.Do you need more incentive to seek out German lessons?One of our s ister-cities is Dortmund, herself a former industrial powerhouse in the Ruhr Valley of Germany.That city was nearly totally levelled during the bombing raid of 1945, an event that holds the dubious record for the most bombs dropped on a single target.Today, Dortmund is known as one of the most sustainable and digital cities in all of Germany. She has turned away from heavy industry and now is a leading producer of biomedical technology â€" the same as us!It's no wonder we have partnered with her.Maybe you are currently planning your holiday to Germany; wouldn’t it be great to talk with native speakers of German while you’re there?Or perhaps you are relishing the prospect of Oktoberfest when, for two weeks, when you can treat yourself to an authentic bratwurst and beer â€" while not necessarily having to wear lederhosen or a dirndl.Before all of those events come to pass, you have time to apply yourself to German lessons!Your Superprof is right on task; we now find the best Germa n courses in an around Leeds.speaking German in a more relaxed, natural environment.Yorkshire is home to some pretty dynamic German clubs and they all have one overarching goal: to promote German language and culture through a host of engaging activities.Wharfedale German Circle meets once a month but they also host many student events and gamesHuddersfield German Circle has their agenda planned through Spring of next year!They meet with other German groups in the area for the most fun and learning possibleBradford Circle for Foreign Language actually has members who are native German; they don’t offer lessons but they provide an opportunity for you to use your communication skills in a live settingAre there such German clubs in Birmingham?Granted, none of these language clubs provides formal language lessons but the opportunity for you to immerse yourself into a German-speaking environment will do wonders to help you become fluent, faster!Disclaimer: when we said ‘students’, we didn’t mean just school students. All language students can benefit from participation in these clubs, whether you have been learning German online or in a language school.That means that you, too, can build fluency while having fun with like-minded friends!Find out what German learning opportunities exist in Edinburgh...Study German Through Private TuitionHere again, is a solution to language learning that applies to students of all stripes.It might be especially viable for those who have put off language classes because there is simply no time or energy to dash off to language school after a busy day of work and family concerns.A private tutor is also an ideal solution for school students looking for supplemental language instruction outside of their German language courses, or perhaps just a shot a practising their conversational skills.The advantage of learning German with a tutor is that s/he will customise the curriculum to your needs.Maybe your speaking and listening ski lls are satisfactory but your writing skills need a boost? What if you’re cruising along in your studies but your partner has trouble grasping new language?Or, it could just be that you are getting ready to holiday abroad and would like a bit of intensive language training before you go?Tutors are up to the task in all of these situations and more.You might baulk at the cost of such lessons; would they exceed what you might pay for a language course in a formal setting? That might be the case... unless you learn with a Superprof tutor.On average, Superprof tutors in the Leeds area charge £16 per hour of instruction.Besides having your first hourlong lesson at no charge, what do you get for that money?You might choose to work with Tobias, who is a native speaker of German and has taught others how to speak German for the past five years.Emily has recently graduated from Leeds; she now holds a First Class degree in German (and French).She prefers tailoring her lessons to your prefe rences; if you need help with your German pronunciation, your lessons will consist of mostly oral exercises but if grammar is your trouble area, that is where her focus will be.Superprof has 16 German tutors in the Leeds area and thousands more ready to engage in online language learning with you.Do Superprof tutors also work in the Belfast area?So, if your life is hectic or you simply would rather learn at home â€" online or face to face, engaging a private tutor is not such a bad idea, especially not a Superprof tutor.Personal tutors are a great idea for homework help or practising speaking German Image by Gerd Altmann from PixabayTake a German Language Course in a Training CentreWe are quite fortunate that, all across the UK, there are several language training franchises with branches in just about every major city.Are there such centres teaching German in Glasgow, as well?Their vast proliferation means proves a point: they are good at what they do. We now present them in with n o particular recommendation or endorsement.Language TrainersThe teachers at Language Trainers know why people want to learn German: for business, for travel and for intellectual curiosity.With those bases well covered, you could sign up for classes with them secure in the knowledge that you won’t waste a lot of time discussing the academic aspects of the German language â€" verb conjugation and dissertations of works by Goethe, for example, if all you need is conversational German.If you can already speak German at the intermediate level or are in doubt about your level of German, you should take a placement test to see which of the Language Trainers’ classes you would best fit in with.Obviously, if you are an absolute beginner, there is no reason to test your level.You can take this test for free on their website, where you will also find their contact details.With the two-to-one class structure offered at many language schools, you and your partner can study German together Im age by StartupStockPhotos from PixabayListen and LearnWith a slightly different model but equally successful as their competitor, Listen and Learn offers German lessons to individuals or groups, in Business German or General German.Here too you may choose one-to-one instruction or two-to-one private lessons â€" an arrangement that would be perfect for you and your partner to learn German together. You may also join a larger group (provided you are on the same level as them) or you may choose to take lessons strictly online, with or without your partner.This company also offers a free placement test online and, right now, they are promoting their language training service by offering a summer discount.Did you know that Cardiff also has a Listen and Learn centre?Learn German with CactusThe Cactus language school is staffed by experienced teachers, most of whom have at least travelled abroad, if not worked and lived there.Their evening courses last for ten weeks and are arranged by lev el â€" beginner, elementary, intermediate and advanced. Here again, you may take a placement test on their website to determine your level of language proficiency.You may also be interested to know that Cactus provides Business language courses; they work directly with companies, conducting classes at select firms around the country.If you work for an international company, you may suggest to your training manager that such lessons would be of great benefit!You can believe that people looking for German courses in London would benefit from such classes!Loiners are lucky to have such a strong connection with Germany.Through their German appreciation clubs, with the many facilities that promote learning German as a second language, as well as the degree programmes offered at the University of Leeds, one might say that the Yorkshire region is certainly making a rich investment into their ties with Germany!Now discover where you could find German lessons all over the UK...

Online Vivid Verbs Tutors Vivid Verbs Help Tutorpace

Online Vivid Verbs Tutors Vivid Verbs Help Tutorpace Verbs are the words which define the action in the sentence such as walking, singing, dancing, talking, eating and may more. Vivid verbs are the word which are more interesting and engaging that the commonly used verbs. Vivid verbs hold the same meaning to their common verbs. Mention here are some examples of vivid verbs in different sentences. Accept (Sentence: Rose accepts the outcome for her action very well.) Affirm (Sentence: She can affirm on what happened yesterday.) Apologize (Sentence: Children should learn to apologize for their mistakes.) Answer (Sentence: Teaches looks for answers for her questions.) Advice (Sentence: He takes my advice always.) Bounce (Sentence: The dog likes to bounce on the carpet.) Chill (Sentence: Sam and his friends like to chill in the pool.) Cook (Sentence: Betty know to cook the best cookies in the class.) Crush (Sentence: The ice is crushed to make lemonade.) Discover (Sentence: Lisa discovered her hidden talent.) Echo (Sentence: I hear echos in the cave.) Erupt (Sentence: The volcano on the mountains erupts sometimes.) Flash (Sentence: The flash from the computer screen is too bright.) Exhaust (Sentence: The fire extinguisher exhausts the fire.) Fluctuate (Sentence: The water level of the river fluctuates in different seasons.) Greet (Sentence: Mary likes greeting her friends on their Birthday.) Hint (Sentence: The teacher gave the students hint about the upcoming test.) Install (Sentence: Lizzys mother likes to install her sinning skills to her.) Receive (Sentence: Bill receives many gifts for Christmas every year.) Motivate (Sentence: Bright weather motivates Sam to go for a walk.)

Your Guide on How to Learn Cantonese.

Your Guide on How to Learn Cantonese. You’ll be Speaking Cantonese in No Time! ChaptersWhy Learn Cantonese?How to Speak Cantonese.In conversations about learning Cantonese, you’ll have probably heard the commonly expressed sentiment and caution: ‘it’s really hard’. However, more often than not, the people who are telling you this don’t really know a thing â€" and have never even tried to learn the language themselves.So, don’t let this put you off. This caution should never be used as a reason not to learn. Because you’ll be giving up before you’ve even started.But, if we’re being honest, sure learning Cantonese is hard. But it needn’t be any harder than any other new language in which you want to develop your conversational fluency. Sure, the traditional characters are different. Sure, the tonal language is unfamiliar. And, sure, it will take a little while to get proficient with the pronunciation. But that’s all part of the challenge. Here, we are going to look at the easiest way for you to become more fluent in the Cantonese language. W e can assure you that it won’t be as hard as you think it is.So, take a deep breath â€" and let’s dive in. NingChinese Teacher 5.00 (10) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LorraineChinese Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JoyceChinese Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicoleChinese Teacher £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KatyChinese Teacher £16/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YangChinese Teacher £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ChengChinese Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhy Learn Cantonese?Cantonese is the language that is spoken around the city of Guangzhou, in the province of Guangdong. That’s where it originated (hence the name ‘Cantonese’, after Guangzhou’s old anglophone name, Canton) â€" and that’s where it continues to be spoken, alongside Hong Kong and Macau where it is an of ficial language.Alongside these regions, it is also spoken in Guangxi and is used as a lingua franca among much of southeast Asia â€" such as in Vietnam and Malaysia particularly. Right now, there are about sixty million native speakers of Cantonese â€" however, these are slowly declining as speakers are preferring to learn and use languages like Mandarin Chinese.These numbers are equivalent to the number of native speakers of Italian. And, in a world in which many other languages in mainland China are going extinct, the people of Guangzhou seem to be determined to keep their language going. You'll be speaking Cantonese in no time!Culture and Cantonese.One of the great reasons to learn Cantonese â€" beyond the fact that, like learning any foreign language, it is supremely good for you â€" is that the language is at the heart of all things Hong Kong.Language and culture are always inextricably linked. And to enjoy the many joys of Hong Kong culture, it’s a shame not to have any language skills.The Hong Kong pop music scene â€" or Cantopop â€" is huge. And, whilst it has been much more influential in the past, it still produces a lot of hits. If you have any familiarity with Leslie Cheung, Alan Tam, or Anita Mui, it would be good to understand what they are singing about, no?The same goes for cinema. With the Hong Kong film industry being one of the largest in the world â€" with stars such as Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee â€" Cantonese was given massive cultural clout across the globe.As we said, beyond the fact that a second language is just a really important thing to have in your life, learning Cantonese opens up a world of culture that would otherwise go underappreciated.How to Speak Cantonese.We said that to learn to speak Cantonese is no more difficult than learning a language in general. It’s not. Yet, language learning does have one major challenge: it’s not that learning the language is hard, but that committing the time to study is. When we are working full time or at school, it’s not always the easiest thing in the world to sit yourself down in the evening to concentrate hard. But this, first of all, is precisely what you need to do.Put the Time Aside.Without a deliberate time set aside to commit to another language, you will never achieve what you hope to achieve. This, unfortunately, is an indisputable fact.People who say, ‘ah yes, I want to learn Cantonese’, have not really achieved anything. The first sign of progress â€" and the sure-fire way to future fluency â€" is really to have that allotted time.This can be daily, this ca n be twice weekly, depending on how quickly you are hoping to improve. However, with the number of different things that language acquisition requires â€" learning the Chinese characters to nailing the pronunciation, learning new words to engaging with the grammatical aspects of the language â€" the more often the better.So, commit to regular time slots. Be realistic â€" just as long as you keep it regular. Practice reading Cantonese!Don’t Worry Too Much about the Cantonese Script â€" at First.The most commonly intimidating thing about learning the Chinese languages is the Chinese script. Usually, anything with a script that isn’t roman â€" from Cyrillic to Arabic â€" inspires frowns and mutterings of ‘oh dear’.The Cantonese script is pretty much the same as in standard Mandarin, using both the simplified and traditional forms. (However, Mandarin and Cantonese remain two mutually unintelligible languages.)And it’s true, learning to read and write Chinese characters is hard. So hard, in fact, that many Chinese people don’t do it either. But this is precisely the point: you don’t need to learn the characters to begin with.Learn just the Romanised versions. It’s much easier â€" and better for your confidence â€" to practice the spoken forms first, and then return to the written text when you have a grasp of what you are doing.Learn more about reading Cantonese!Nail the Cant onese Tones.The other notorious thing about Cantonese â€" and Chinese language learning in general â€" is the tones. In English, we can’t seem to understand the fact that a vowel could be said six different ways.However, strangely enough, that’s exactly what we do in English too â€" it just doesn’t change the semantic content of the words.There are six types of tone: dark flat, dark rising, dark departing, light flat, light rising, light departing. In the Romanized written form, you will see these respectively numbered from one to six.The easy way to learn these is with a tone chart, which diagrams the respective sounds you need to make. Learn it by heart â€" and that’s another thing cracked.Fill Your Life with Cantonese.With your phonetics covered, you now need to fill your life with Cantonese. Let’s call this language immersion â€" although you are still in the UK.That means listening to Cantonese radio, watching Cantonese movies and TV, and reading as much Cantonese con tent as possible. The latter will come later, as you slowly begin to integrate knowledge of the written language into your learning. Yet, the point here is that, to get to grips with a language, you need to live it and breathe it!That means using language apps like Babbel, Duolingo, or Memrise on the bus to school or the commute. Alternatively, it means writing down new words and phrases onto flashcards so that you can practice them and memorise them at any time.Set Goals â€" and Achieve Them.One of the key methods by which to learn another language â€" or indeed, to learn anything â€" is to set yourself goals and work towards them.Goals work by directing your focus and your attention: with something to aim for, and a set date by which to achieve it, you’re much more likely to get moving.So, think about it. Set a date by which you will have nailed the phonetic aspect of the language: the tones, the vowels and consonants. Set another date by which you will be able to learn Chinese characters â€" at least a few of them. And set another date by which you want to have your first dialogues to practice your spoken language.Without some decent goals, you may well end up just practising what you know already â€" and not improving at all.Learn about writing in Cantonese! The world is full of language we take for granted - learn it!Be Interested by the Language: Speak about What Interests You.When trying to speak in Cantonese, or when trying to listen to a particular radio station, or whatever, you need to make sure that the subject under discussion is actually interesting to you. This is not so banal or obvious as it seems. So many language classes use material that is completely uninspiring for many students and so leaves them uninspired.If you are interested in sport, why would you want to listen to a show about makeup? If you work as a lawyer, why are you trying to learn the language of an electrician?Finding something to talk about that is interesting to you will make you want to continue learning. And you’ll pick up the language that you actually need rather than that which you feel you should know.Learn more about developing your Cantonese vocabulary.Find a Cantonese Tutor â€" or a Native Speaker to Practice with.Finally, there is no better t o way to learn a new language than to talk to someone who is fluent.Whether this is a friend, a girlfriend, a complete stranger at a language exchange class, or a private tutor, a native speaker will bring your spoken Cantonese on leaps and bounds. As long as they (and you!) are patient, and you do it regularly, this will be the best time to improve your productive language skills.